(June 18 – July 11, 2015)
We were welcomed to Ontario to perfect summer weather, ice cream, the first Tourist information center that was actually open and even higher camping prices than in Quebec.
We were welcomed to Ontario to perfect summer weather, ice cream, the first Tourist information center that was actually open and even higher camping prices than in Quebec.
After what has quite possibly been the longest winter either of us has experienced, the thought that we were now driving south appealed to us quite a bit. We realized that we really could use some warmer weather, and definitely could do with a lot less wind. It may have been quite intense and exciting in the North but it also took quite a bit of energy to be constantly exposed to the raw elements, and we both realized that we longed for some summer temperatures. Read more
Labrador is a very unique stretch of land. It is incredibly remote and sparsely populated. Its raw and untamed wilderness stretch out as far as the eye can see without a single sign of human interference and it makes you feel really insignificant and small. Here one could walk into the wilderness and be utterly and completely alone, you wouldn’t even really have to walk very far. There is an indescribable appeal and beauty to the vastness, the wildness and starkness of the landscape of Labrador. There is so much to see and experience, and so much we have not. Without a doubt Labrador has made a very big impact on us and has contributed hugely to the adventurous part of our journey so far.