Dawson City – “Not the worst place to be stuck”

(21st August – 09th September, 2015)

“You’re in Dawson. It’s not the worst place to be stuck”, is what we heard from just about everyone. Apparently we aren’t the first to end up spending more time in Dawson than planned, whether by choice or not. “Some people planned just to travel through and they are still here.” We also hear. The town is full of such stories; and now we get to experience our own little Dawson City story. Read more

Yukon – Part I

(6th – 21st August, 2015)

Yukon was one of our biggest travel destinations and we have wanted to visit for a long time. Gary, since he was a small boy; and I’ve been excited to visit since we first started planning our trip. And now as we cross the border, much later than we had originally planed, into the Yukon greeted by glorious summer weather we are especially happy to finally be here. We are also excited about the experiences that await us…

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Northward bound – through Alberta and British Columbia

30th July – 6th August, 2015

After the 2-week pause in Edmonton, and what feels like months in the flat lands, we couldn’t wait to finally be in the mountains again. We had an almost homesick feeling for the mountains and were quite excited to finally be on the way again.

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Edmonton – “Pit Stop”

July 18th – 30th, 2015

We knew going into this trip that a big challenge for us, should something on the Land Rover break, would be finding parts. It’s not that Land Rovers aren’t sold in North America; it’s more that the Defender line was never sold so parts aren’t found just anywhere. You have to order them from specialty shops, and then wait patiently for the Post to deliver. Read more

Manitoba & Saskatchewan

(July 11 – 18, 2015)

Everything that we have heard so far about Manitoba and Saskatchewan is that it’s flat, there isn’t much to see, it’s a long boring drive and you are happy when you finally have it behind you. Well we certainly can attest to that it’s flat, but we definitely didn’t find it boring.

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(June 18 – July 11, 2015)

We were welcomed to Ontario to perfect summer weather, ice cream, the first Tourist information center that was actually open and even higher camping prices than in Quebec.

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(June 8- June 18, 2015)

After what has quite possibly been the longest winter either of us has experienced, the thought that we were now driving south appealed to us quite a bit. We realized that we really could use some warmer weather, and definitely could do with a lot less wind. It may have been quite intense and exciting in the North but it also took quite a bit of energy to be constantly exposed to the raw elements, and we both realized that we longed for some summer temperatures. Read more

Labrador – The Big Land

(May 30 – June 8, 2015)

Labrador is a very unique stretch of land. It is incredibly remote and sparsely populated. Its raw and untamed wilderness stretch out as far as the eye can see without a single sign of human interference and it makes you feel really insignificant and small. Here one could walk into the wilderness and be utterly and completely alone, you wouldn’t even really have to walk very far. There is an indescribable appeal and beauty to the vastness, the wildness and starkness of the landscape of Labrador. There is so much to see and experience, and so much we have not. Without a doubt Labrador has made a very big impact on us and has contributed hugely to the adventurous part of our journey so far.

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(May 11 – May 30, 2015)

We spent quite a long time deciding on whether we would come here or not. The weather forecasts, amounts of snow, and the reactions of the people who we told, a somewhat surprised look followed by a smirk to outright laughter, made us think twice. Then at some point we both just decided to make a go of it regardless of the weather or of what people had told us. Besides we packed our winter things and not just for nothing either… Now after almost three weeks on this rather rugged island we are really happy that we made the decision to come. Newfoundland has really exceeded our expectations!
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Nova Scotia

(April 28 – May 11, 2015)

We are finally underway! The 2 weeks we originally planned to stay at Gary’s parents ended up being almost 4 weeks. Mostly to blame are the hefty colds that we were greeted with upon arrival in Canada, that and a whole lot of „odds and ends“ that we wanted to take care of, which of course ended up taking much longer than we anticipated…

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